Our background, 18yrs old still in high school, when I met this guy who was jaw dropping sexy we went out one night I ended up staying night at his house we continued to hang out and everything else. We were both working he however was traveling I moved into his place which was with his friend his wife and daughter things weren’t good at the house so me and hubby moves into his moms, we lived there about 8 months than got pregnant and we decided to get our own place and get married thought it was the right thing to do, I no longer worked and he was now working locally so it was good he continued to party get wasted and so on I thought it would change after our daughter was born and it did for awhile than went back to his old ways of partying all night getting drunk.

We were told about a house loan that was good for people with not good or bad credit and not much debt either. We bought our house in 2009, he was still working locally and I was at home with our daughter daycare was not worth me working so I started taking college classes I finished my basics and got pregnant again so I put off on school and focused on our family, I won’t lie being a stat home mother and pregnant is not easy and I was getting lazy in cleaning the house and cooking his breakfast lunches and dinners. He started back up on drinking and partying which I obviously wasn’t cool with but hey I had no job money and was always stuck at home it would make any female crazy right?! We had our second child a little boy, my mother moved in to the house to help me with kids whew it was so nice actually having the help. Marcus and I ended up going out together more with the help from my mom. We and his “best friend” went to a local bar which we have been to together many times (obviously not when I was prego) we didn’t have much money at time so I said I was okay that I didn’t need to drink so I could drive home.

I go to bathroom come back and can tell he is acting different. His friend was meeting some of his coworkers there as well, my hubby and his friend go to bar and one of the coworkers went up to bar as well remind you I’m not drinking I look over to bar and the 3 of them are just laughing having a good time which I’m all okay for they come back to pool table area and the girl approaches me ask me who I was and if that was my boyfriend I said no he is my husband she went on this talk how she was married as well and yada yada I could of cared less, I try and dance with my man and he kinda pushes me off and was like I just wanna chill umm okay whatever he never minded it before if I danced on him so weird. Any who we leave about 2 weeks later he is in garage drinking with neighbors comes in and passes out. I get his phone and go through it seeing a number I had no idea who it was so I call and guess who answers yep same female from bar she goes on talking about how she was his friends cousin any who they continued talking he went on a camping trip with his friend weekend of our daughters bday but I see a pic of his friend showing he is in town Hubby’s excuse last minute trip change and went to Austin until about month later I see his credit card statement with charges in new York oh this is where she is from how ironic he said his card must of been stolen that he would call he finally admitted he was with her.. Months passed on he moved out of the house for about 2 months and said how he missed me and kids and wanted to come home of course I left him.. He promised he was no longer taking to her and had changed for us to be happy again… We did good for awhile had little disagreements like every marriage but I felt we were really happier and I was starting to trust again, he got a job traveling saying that it would be good more money to help us out financially.

Over past weekend he had our sons bday he drank way to much and passed out about 8 for some reason I went to his phone and started snooping low and behold a video message from her!! I wanted to punch him in the face but waited till he woke up we talked I acted like nothing told him how much he meant to me and he said same stuff (this is part of my plan to confront him) I had downloaded the video of her to his phone sent to me and saved. It was early about 5am so I said hey let’s go eat something we got ready and left. We get to the restaurant order or drinks than food, I then get my phone and tell him how I found this video on you tube and how hilarious it was that he had to see it. So I go to video hand him phone push play and the look on his face I will never forget he said what the heck is this I said hmm I was hoping you could tell me cause looks like hoe you have been talking t he was speechless, shocked & didn’t know what to say he started apologizing how he was so sorry to please give him another chance that he was so in love with me and would/ will do anything for me to stay. I need your help ladies, what should I do??!