Chris Wylie — Watch Out For This Guy. Pathological Liar, Opiate Addict, Woman

5 Oct 2020
Chris Wylie — Watch Out For This Guy. Pathological Liar, Opiate Addict, Woman

Chris Wylie — Watch Out For This Guy. Pathological Liar, Opiate Addict, Woman. Ladies beware. This man is a pathological liar, a “recovered opiate addict, and a straight scvm bag. He is a self loathing momma’s boy, who will use his son story of recovery to draw you into his trap. He lies, manipulates, cheats, all while having a girlfriend. He has multiple Drds, and will lie that he doesn’t. He will pretend his outbreaks are razor burn, so he can stick his dirty d1ck in whoever shows him interest, all while cheating on his girlfriend. Any woman who has this guy cross your path, run for your life. He is sick in the head, and needs serious help.

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