Michelle Beth Errthun (psychopathic narcissist whore). The trashy ass junkie right here is the absolute worst!!!!

She has two different baby daddies and working on her third currently. She doesn’t even know the real father of her second born, she shoot up roxys, heroin and Subutexs through out her entire pregnancy with her daughter Marley. The poor child had to stay in the hospital for three whole month’s after she given birth to her to wing her slowly off of all of the highly Dosage of all of the drug’s Marley was born addicted to.
DSS has been reported on her six different occasions and unfortunately the poor kid’s have not been placed into a better living Environment . But the good part about it, she doesn’t give two fucks about her children enough to actually take care of them. Neither one of them live with her, thank god!!! She uses her children As pawns in her games to get free drugs from her “2nd babydaddy” and to get free food stamps for children she has barely anything to do with. She’s a fucking slut for second, she’ll literally fuckkk anything girl,guy, transsexual or hermaphrodite she doesn’t give two shits as long as they got money or the drugs she’s dying for.
Beware and watch closely to Michelle Beth Errthun, she’ll rob you blind before you even have time enough to blink and open back up your eyes, she has been well known for being a home wrecking pill whore!!!!!!!

& while she was pregnant with her daughter Marley she bragged about shooting up in her stomach because she said that was the best place to find the best vines to hit.

Don’t get close to this trashy piece of shit slut!